Notes from the Mayoress’ Parlour – August

During August we had a few free days which were very welcome. This made me think that we had not been as busy as in July. However, looking back, we had attended 65 events, the same as the previous month, so we must have had some very full days.

Early in the month the Bournemouth Carnival was held and we were busily engaged at several of the carnival events; judging entries in various competitions such as the Best Decorated Beach Hut, the Best Dressed Teddy and selecting the new Carnival Queen for the coming year at the final Gala Night.


Mid-month the Thai Festival was held at King’s Park. This is a popular annual event which is attended by a group of Buddhist monks to whom food is given as part of the celebration. There were exhibitions of Thai dancing, Thai boxing and many aspects of Thai culture. The Mayor, in the presence of the Thai Ambassador, who was in attendance with his wife, was invited to open the Festival.


Preparations had been ongoing during the month for a visit by a Chinese delegation from Zibo to sign a Sister City Agreement with Bournemouth. The group arrived in the last week of August and the Mayor and I were fully occupied for two days hosting them. We spent a most enjoyable time with the group and they enjoyed our town and surrounding area very much. The leader of the group, the Deputy Mayor of Zibo, a lady, was completely enthralled by the town and enjoyed all aspects of the visit. Good reports were taken back to Zibo.


As soon as the Chinese delegation left we were heavily involved with the Air Festival or, more specifically, with the naval visitors. We attended Beating the Retreat twice where HM Royal Marine Band entertained the visitors. Following this we went aboard HMS Northumberland, first attending a reception and then the following day for dinner. On the Saturday we were taken out into the Bay aboard the Navy Launch to observe the display by the Marines on the beach – we certainly had a very good view. We then, once again, went aboard HMS Northumberland, on this occasion for lunch. We spent a very busy but most enjoyable few days.


By invitation from the Mayors of surrounding towns, we have attended several Civic Days this month when we are shown the places of interest in their respective town. The most enjoyable of these was at Wareham where we first attended the Flower Festival in St. Mary’s Church and then went up into the Bell Tower to view the eight bells. At close-quarters the bells are most impressive and it seemed to me that bell-inging could be quite a dangerous occupation – the bells are so huge and heavy! In the afternoon we were introduced to the members of the Court Leet; these were the Weights & Measures Officers of history. They demonstrated their methods to us at various shops in the town, which was interesting and fun.


Another interesting and memorable event was the creation of the Sand Mandala by Buddhist monks at Christchurch Priory. The Mandala is created over a period of three days with different coloured marble sand. A team of monks create this intricate and detailed pattern which requires great skill and concentration and is done from memory. The finished result is very beautiful and sparkles like precious jewels; it has to be seen to be fully appreciated, photographs do not show its full beauty. On completion the monks sweep it away in a special ceremony which I understand is to demonstrate the impermanence of all things created by man.

Late in August, the Mayor and I were invited to wave off and wish success to a group of disabled athletes who left Bournemouth to compete in the Disabled Olympics held in Bath. They were very excited and full of enthusiasm for the challenge; we have since heard that they were very successful.

There have been the usual visits to care homes to their summer fetes, anniversaries and resident’s 100th birthday celebrations and also the monthly Citizenship Ceremonies which are always a pleasure.


That’s all for now.

God bless
Elaine Cooper