Notes from the Mayoress’ Parlour – June

Gosh, it’s been a very busy first month for the Mayor and me. After the Annual Council on the Friday, when Rod became Mayor and I became Mayoress, we had a free day before the Civic Service at St. Peter’s on the Sunday. This was a welcome early break because immediately after the service on the Sunday our duties began with visits to two local fetes.

Since then, up to the end of June, we have attended more than 50 functions. These have included opening new shops, business premises, tennis courts and a very innovative junior gym; presenting prizes and awards; hosting visitors to the Town Hall; visiting fetes and care homes; attending University functions and events, charity events and Civic Services in surrounding towns and holding Citizenship Ceremonies.

We have met so many wonderful people who give up their time and energy to help, support and to create opportunities for those less able and with special needs. There are so many inspirational projects being run, largely by volunteers, it is a privilege to be able to help and join them for a while.

Which of the events have we enjoyed most? Firstly, a lady we met on her 105th birthday. She had a lovely, lively sense of humour and after joining her in a chorus of “Dashing away with the smoothing iron”, she offered to iron the Mayor’s shirts; an offer I may yet accept!


Secondly, the Citizenship Ceremonies, held monthly at the Town Hall, which are very charming and emotional events. The applicants are so excited and happy to become British Citizens and in most cases are contributing to our society. One elderly man who has been living in England for more than ten years decided to apply for citizenship so that he can vote. Many people born here could maybe learn from this.

Next, the dinner we were invited to attend following the Falklands Veterans Memorial Service. It was an excellent meal with convivial company in an excellent venue. We learnt about some of the combat difficulties of a conflict in such a distant location. Plus, I won first prize in the raffle!


Lastly, the Best Rock Challenge Final held in Portsmouth. We went with some trepidation; would it be too loud to enjoy? However, as soon as the first group performed, we were totally enthralled and enjoyed every one of the performances. The quality of the dance, of the costumes, of the choreography and the interpretation of their subjects were excellent. What talent the young people have! We attended because there was a group from the Oak Academy, Bournemouth. To our delight they came second and achieved four awards for aspects of their performance; an excellent achievement in a superb event.


I could go on, because each event was different and all were enjoyable in their own way, but time and space do not allow for more, so until next month…

God Bless
Elaine Cooper